Zuul crurivastator

From March 14th in National Museum of Nature and Science, The Dinosaur EXPO 2023 has been opened. This event is until June 18th, so you should go there to see it if you’ve not done it. I entered it in opening time, and make fuller better use of it including permanent exhibition  until closing time.


There are many interesting exhibitions. However, the starring role of this expo is “Zuul crurivastator”, one of the Ankylosauria. Ankylosauria is a group of Ornithischia, a big group of Dinosaurs. Speaking of Dinosaurs, many people images Tyrannosaurus rex, and Theropoda, which is a dinosaurs’ group T.rex belongs. Actually, there are 2 T. rex on this expo. However, the main is Zuul.


Ankylosauria is a kind of Thyreophora, which is including Stegosauria like Stegosaurus. All of them are herbivory, and they have unique apparels on their backs. Stegosauria have bony plates or spikes. The other hand, Ankylosauria have armor, which is bony skin for defense. Ankylosauria also have a bony body like a bat for the battle against carnivorous dinosaurs or other Ankylosauria.

Zuul defends against Gorgosaurus' attack.

Their body was covered by bony skin, so there are many fossils which keeps the appearance they live. Especially, Zuul crurivastator is famous for marvelous state of preservation. That is the biggest viewpoint of this expo.

Zuul's armored head